
Boiler Trim:

Clark Reliance offers the most complete range of Flat Glass Gauges on the market today. It is important to note that Clark Reliance Flat Glass Gauges are designed specifically for the rigours of boiler service and temperature fluctuations associated with steam service. Their boiler trim is not just designed to comply with Section 1 of the ASME Code but Clark Reliance continuously implement the most up-to-date version of this code.
In general, boiler level indication equipment is divided into two groups, namely Direct Reading Gauges and Indirect Reading Gauges. Direct Reading are considered the gauge of last resort and invariably include a sight glass so that one can view the steam/water interface at the boiler location. These include our Reflex Gauges, Flat Glass Gauges and our Simpliport refraction Gauge.

Conversely, the indirect reading gauge is used to relay level information remotely, to the control room, and is used to monitor the boiler level on a continuous basis, such as the Electro Eye Hye.

Even though an Electro Eye Hye System can be configured to provide alarms and trip functionality, it is common that engineers will specify that the alarm and trip functions be separated from the level indication function. In this case we would recommend a water column which can be configured to the customers requirement.

A Turbine Water Induction Protection System (TWIP) is similar to a water column but is located downstream of the boiler before a steam turbine. It is usually fitted to the drain leg of a Separator unit. When it detects the presence of sufficient condensate, it will send a signal to open a dump valve which exhausts the excess condensate and thus prevents damage to the turbine blades.

We are the sole agents for Clark-Reliance equipment in the SADC region and have been since 1967. Over the years we have developed vast in-house expertise and experience and would be glad to assist you in selecting your boiler trim.

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